Fake travel stories, fake cases used to destroy life, finances of google competitor
Google claims that “Dont be evil” is its motto, however in reality people should be aware of the fact that google along with tata has allegedly used the most evil possible methods to destroy the life, finances of a harmless google competitor , bribing a large number of people all over india to file completely fake cases without any proof at all, against the harmless google competitor making up fake travel stories
Allegedly the google, tata sponsored frauds who filed fake cases allegedly claimed that they had met the google competitor in a bus and paid her for domain names, which were not transferred to them, so she was a cheater . In reality the google competitor had never interacted with the google, tata sponsored frauds who filed fake cases against her and could easily prove the same, if the google, tata sponsored frauds had the courage, honesty or humanity to face her
However the shameless brahmin fraud NTRO employee puneet and others falsely claimed to be “HELPING” the google competitor , so these fraud ntro employees considered all the google, tata sponsored frauds to be very honest, did not ask for evidence, and wasted a lot of the hard earned money of the google competitor, without her permission or giving her a chance to defend herself
After google, tata sponsored frauds found that they were getting a lot of quick money without doing any work at all, just for making fake allegations without any proof at all, and without being asked for evidence, naturally more frauds started making fake allegations and more hard earned money of the google competitor was wasted without her permission.
Voice to skull technology was used by the crooked taunt the google competitor about the bus travel domain fraud masterminded by the section 420 fraud google, tata employees who then got goan prostitutes slim goan obc bhandari slut sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc, goan gsb fraud siddhi mandrekar and other frauds R&AW/CBI jobs falsely claiming that these goan sex workers, fraud R&AW/CBI employees have a paypal account just because these women offer SEX and money bribes
Probably only after the google competitor filed a police complaint regarding the theft of her savings by NTRO, CBI employees, did the ntro employees who stole her savings without her permission, stop rewarding all those who defamed her. The NTRO employees are getting a monthly indian government salary, pension, just because google, tata sponsored frauds are making up fake travel stories, why are ntro employees wasting the hard earned money, stealing the resume, memory, correspondence of a single woman engineer, domain investor and google competitor without her permission for frauds like shivalli brahmin R&AW employee cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar.
Till date the section 420 fraud google, tata, ntro, cbi employees have not returned the money stolen from the google competitor and also do not have the courage and honesty to tell the google competitor, the name and address, allegations of those who falsely accused the domain investor , google competitor of cheating them so that she can defend herself against the google, tata sponsored frauds .
Like Vishal Sikka the infosys ceo quit after being slandered for 3 years, the domain investor has been defamed without proof by the fraud google, tata, ntro, cbi employees since 2010, and wastes time and money daily defending herself against the cowardly section 420 fraud google, tata, ntro, cbi employees who do not have the courage and honesty to face her with their lies indicating the widespread rot in the indian internet sector.