Goan government, google, tata have made goa a paradise for prostitutes like goan bhandari raw employee sunaina chodan

Google, tata have made goa a paradise for prostitutes bribing the extremely corrupt security and intelligence employees to waste tax payer money to dupe people, companies ,countries that the lazy greedy mediocre goan sex workers , especially goan bhandari R&AW employee slim prostitute sunaina chodan who they supply to government employees for sex are online experts, domain investors, experienced engineers

In most states, the government is raiding sex workers, however in goa, a single woman bhandari engineer, finds that the indian and goan government is defaming her in the worst possible manner, stealing her correspondence, orders, and falsely claiming that the goan bhandari R&AW employee slim prostitute sunaina chodan , who is supplied by google, tata to government employees for sex, has her impressive resume, savings. The only reason why the indian and goan government is making completely fake claims, pampering the sex worker, is that goan bhandari R&AW employee slim prostitute sunaina chodan offers the BEST SEX SERVICES to government employees, who are willing to do anything for sex with sunaina

So the goan government is involved in a very brazen fraud on the single woman engineer with a better JEE rank than google ceo sundar pichai, repeating the complete lies of fraud ntro employees led by j srinivasan, mhow cheater puneet, who falsely claim that sunaina, with a 2013 bsc degree from goa university was their btech 1993 ee classmate, when sunaina was not born in 1989 to give 1989 jee .

In 2018, the indian government does not care for experienced engineers with a good JEE rank, they are ruthlessly defamed, cheated and exploited, only sex workers like sunaina, offering excellent sex services are valued in goa, and india

Only in goa, the government falsely claims google, tata supplied goan call girls are experienced engineers

Call girls from all over India, flock to goa, because only in goa, the government falsely claims google, tata supplied goan call girls are experienced engineers to give them great powers and a monthly indian government salary at the expense of the experienced engineer, who is viciously defamed

few can match the goan government in educational, financial, medical fraud as it falsely claims google, tata supplied goan bhandari RAW employee PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan 2013 bsc from goa university, offering sex services to ntro and other government employees, is an experienced engineer with a btech 1993 ee degree to give the lazy greedy goan prostitute great powers, a monthly salary at the expense of the single woman bhandari engineer who actually has the btech 1993 ee degree, who is getting nothing

The corrupt shameless dishonest goan government is blindly repeating the lies of the google, tata PIMPS who marketing sunaina’s sex services, have got her a R&AW job for her sex services, her shameless brahmin fraud sugar daddies ntro employees j srinivasan, mhow cheater puneet, her lovers enjoying her sex services and fraud powerful relatives like pritesh chodankar , without independently bothering to verify the truth. Can the indian and goan government name the engineering company which hired goa’s favorite prostitute sunaina after she completed graduation in 2013 because the panaji prostitute is mainly at home, she does does not go to an office daily.

Medical records will easily and legally prove that the goan government favorite goan bhandari PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan 2013 bsc was not born in 1989 to give JEE, and get a btech 1993 ee degree , yet the goan government shows the high level of corruption, nepotism in goa when it falsely claims that the goan call girl supplied by google, tata to its employees for sex , is an experienced engineer. The fraud shameless cheater goan government officials are also viciously defaming the experienced single woman engineer with a good JEE rank, google competitor and domain investor whose resume lazy greedy goan prostitute sunaina chodan falsely claims to have to get a monthly government salary .

Other than massive bribes from google, tata, can the goan government give any legally valid reason why the experienced single woman engineer is defamed so viciously in goa by government employees , prostitutes, school dropouts and other frauds pampered

NTRO,R&AW, indian government should inform all countries that its most pampered document robber, identity thief employee indore fraud housewife veena is taking a world tour

The corrupt indian government duped sri lankan, thai government that its most dangerous criminal fraud employee document robber, identity thief employee indore fraud housewife veena who specializing in stealing documents, identity of domain investors , her relative and does not spend any money online, was a domain investor, online expert, so that indore criminal raw employee veena enjoyed her trip to these countries with her accomplices balding crook mahesh

The cruel fraud indore robber raw employee bespectacled housewife veena, who looks like actress deepika padukone, like other google, tata sponsored prostitute, cheater housewife and other fraud raw/cbi employees refuses to pay the market price for the domain names, yet falsely claims to own the domain names of her relative, the google competitor to get a monthly government salary since 2010. She has plenty of money to visit foreign countries like sri lanka, thailand, and is now planning a world tour with her girlfriends, yet she lacks the humanity and honesty to pay the market price and legally purchase the domains which she falsely claims to own

Instead with the help of fraud companies like google, tata, veena like other fraud raw/cbi employees is bribing the corrupt liar ntro employees to abuse their powers and make fake claims about domain ownership.
It is hoped that the indian government ends it online fraud and tells all countries that its most pampered document robber, identity thief employee indore fraud housewife veena is taking a world tour , not the domain investor

Thailand, Sri lanka should be informed that the R&AW employee veena who visited is a ruthless document robber, banking fraudster not a domain investor

Not satisfied with stealing the identity, savings, memory of a harmless single woman engineer, domain investor to get relatives, girlfriends of top officials raw/cbi jobs with the stolen identity, the indian government, R&AW is now allegedly duping countries worldwide like Thailand, Sri lanka that its lazy fraud employee indore housewife veena, a document robber, who visited these countries is a domain investor and online expert

R&AW, ntro, indian government, google, tata should have the honesty to inform all countries that the google, tata sponsored indore fraud R&AW employee bespectacled housewife veena, who looks like actress deepika padukone is actually
– a ruthless document robber who steals the documents and identity of her close relatives if they make the mistake of trusting her
– treacherous greedy fraud, who has no qualms robbing and betraying her close relatives
– a liar who made fake claims about domain ownership and refuses to pay the market price of domain names she falsely claimed to own to get a R&AW job
– a banking fraudster who falsely claims to own the bank account of her relative after stealing their documents
– a domain fraudster who falsely claims to own domain names of her victim, without paying the market price and annual expenses

The google, tata sponsored indore fraud R&AW employee bespectacled housewife veena and her family had plenty of money to pay for the trip to Sri lanka, Thailand, yet she does not have the honesty, humanity, and integrity to pay the market price and purchase at least a few of the domain names from her victim legally, she offers BRIBES to corrupt liar ntro employees with the help of fraud companies like google, tata
So it is time that google, tata, R&AW, indian government honestly admit that the google, tata sponsored indore fraud R&AW employee bespectacled housewife veena is only a ruthless document robber who steals the documents of domain investors who make the mistake of trusting her, liar, domain fraudster and cheater, she is not a domain investor or online expert

Google tata sponsored Indore document ROBBER R&AW employee bespectacled fraud housewife veena visits sri lanka

One of the greatest frauds of the indian government, R&AW, sundar pichai led google, tata is how the government, R&AW and fraud companies are falsely claiming that Google tata sponsored Indore document robber R&AW employee bespectacled fraud housewife veena, who looks like actress deepika padukone, mother of a son who has never invested any money online, is a domain investor owning this and other websites and online expert, when she is a criminal who stole th documents of a google competitor, domain investor and was rewarded for her crime under section 378 of the indian penal code with a R&AW job, monthly salary by google, tata, brahmin officials

Now instead of telling countries worldwide that their employee Google tata sponsored Indore document ROBBER R&AW employee bespectacled fraud housewife veena is only a ruthless criminal and fraud, with no morals at all, who has no qualms betraying, stealing the documents and identity of her relatives who make the mistake of trusting the indore housewife veena, R&AW is duping countries like sri lanka that the criminal raw employee veena, visiting the country is an online expert, domain investor owning the website where news of her crime under sections of indian penal code are posted

It appears that R&AW is duping all countries worldwide like sri lanka. that the that Google tata sponsored Indore document robber R&AW employee bespectacled fraud housewife veena, who looks like actress deepika padukone , who steals the documents of her relative, the doimain investor, google competitor is an online expert, when she is only a ruthless criminal.

The Google tata sponsored Indore document ROBBER R&AW employee bespectacled fraud housewife veena and her family have money to visit sri lanka which must have cost at least Rs 1 lakh, yet they have no money to pay the market price for domain names, legally transfer them in their name, so why is NTRO, R&AW, indian and goan government falsely claiming that the document robber R&AW employee, who does not spend any money on domain names, is a domain investor?

Google, tata sponsored school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina, responsible for 90th ranking of panaji,goa

The goan newspapers herald, navhind times carried the news of how panaji was ranked 90th in the cities in India however these newspapers do not have the honesty and courage to cover the news of the poor governance in panaji, goa, the extremely fraud corrupt powerful officials in panaji who are openly involved in educational, real estate, banking fraud, falsely claiming that google, tata sponsored goan sex workers sunaina chodan, cheater housewives, school dropouts, document robbers and other fraud raw/cbi employees who never worked as engineers, are experienced engineers, domain investors

One of the biggest frauds in goa, is how the shameless section 420 fraud security and intelligence employees in panaji, goa are falsely claiming that google, tata sponsored school dropout gujju housewife naina c, mother of two sons, illegally marrried at the age of 16, who looks like actress sneha wagh, eighth standard pass with no online investment, is an experienced engineer with a btech 1993 ee degree , domain investor , owning the house of a single woman engineer. No engineering college will admit a eighth standard pass married housewife as a student, however the intelligence and security agency employees in panaji, goa are so dishonest and shameless, that they will take bribes and shamelessly lie so that the school dropout gets a monthly cbi salary, at the expense of the engineer.

Due to extremely poor governnance in panaji, goa, no action is taken against the fraud security and intelligence employees in goa for their real estate, banking fraud since 2010, and these officials are extremely shameless. So while the google, tata sponsored school dropout cbi employee housewife naina may continue to get a monthly salary by bribing the corrupt top officials in panaji and having a powerful lover, the engineer whose identity the shameless section 420 fraud school dropout gujju housewife naina has stolen will continue to complain , trying to get justice.

Since it can be legally proved that cbi is paying a monthly salary to a school dropout gujju housewife naina, who has never invested any money in domain names., goa’s most pampered school dropout and the shameless liar fraud gujju identity theft gang hiding behind the gujju school dropout naina, will never file a defamation case, proving that the top officials in panaji, goa are shameless liars, cheaters, bribe takers openly involved in banking, real estate fraud

Broke google competitor can only afford to take holidays in goa

When the broke google competitor visited the timeshare resort to use up her annual holiday, the employee asked her, why was she taking a holiday in goa when she was living in goa. Most indian citizens are taking a holiday far away from the state in which they are living
The broke google competitor, domain investor and engineer, whose identity has been stolen by 10 google, tata sponsored goan sex workers, cheater housewives like nayanshree hathwar and other fraud raw/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree, explained to the staff that for any holiday outside Goa, she would have to spend a lot of money travelling, which she cannot afford at present because of ntro, google, tata’s financial fraud,
If the google competitor takes a holiday elsewhere in India, she will have to spend atleast Rs 8000 for travelling and food which she cannot afford, because her monthly income after paying domain and other expenses is less than rs 10000.
She can only take a holiday in goa, with daily travel expenses of less than Rs 50, food expenses additional
Most people will be shocked at the endless frauds and lies in the indian internet sector where the government falsely claims that prostitutes and frauds are online experts , domain investors owning websites where the news of their fraud is posted.
However the top officials and companies in the indian internet sector are such shameless cheater, liars and frauds that they refuse to admit their mistake, financial fraud in falsely claiming google, tata supplied goan prostitute R&AW employees offering sex services, cheater housewives, school dropouts, document robbers and other fraud raw/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree are domain investors, online experts,owning websites where the news of their sex, bribery racket is posted.

Mussoorie located in Uttarkhand

Google,tata are so ruthless in destroying the life of the domain investor, google competitor, who identity has been stolen by 10 google,tata sponsored goan sex workers sunaina, siddhi, cheater housewives and other fraud raw/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree ,that she is not getting any work,orders, payment despite taking care to ensure that information is factually accurate.

For example, in the Goair flight magazine, Gogetter ,July 2018 issue, which is read by a large number of people travelling by Goair,there was an article on the top monsoon getaways in India. Goa was included in the list and among the other places, Mussoorie, the hill station, was mentioned as being located in Himachal Pradesh, when actually it is in Uttarkhand

The writer who will be paid for the article, did not bother to check the details, while the broke domain investor owning this website does not make any such glaring mistakes, like mentioning the incorrect state, though she is not getting paid anything, and is unable to get any paying work, because of the google,tata masterminded sex, bribery racket, financial fraud on her since 2010.

Anyone interested in contacting the broke domain investor for travel related content can send an email to info@textads.in

When google,tata sponsored school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife only goes to Kolhapur, why is cbi, her lover parmar falsely claiming that she goes to Mumbai

Though anjali pichai the wife of sundar pichai has a btech 1993 degree from iit kharagpur, google and its ceo sundar pichai show their true colors as a fraud company, hiring the services of crude uncultured fraud ntro employees like parmar who falsely claim that their semiliterate premika cbi employee school dropout gujju housewife naina, eighth standard pass, mother of two sons, married at 16 to stalk is a domain investor, experienced engineer and sexually harass a harmless google competitor, single woman engineer with a better 1989 jee rank than google ceo sundar pichai

The semiliterate premika of powerful parmar, cbi employee school dropout gujju housewife naina originally from kolhapur, in maharastra who looks like actress sneha wagh, has never operated a computer in her life , spends all her time watching television, after shouting instructions to her servant whose salary is paid by the indian government, yet her shameless fraud lover ntro employee parmar, is putting the google competitor under surveillance and then duping companies, people, countries that his darling premika naina, who is actually watching television is working online

Usually the powerful parmars premika naina only goes to kolhapur outside goa, because her family members are from kolhapur. otherwise she is at her home in campal, panaji, goa. so on what basis is the powerful fraud ntro employee parmar falsely claiming that his premika has booked a ticket online to go to mumbai, why is he so cheaply and viciously defaming the google competitor

If the house of parmars premika cbi employee school dropout naina is put under surveillance from 18 July 2018, she will be found at home, so can ntro, raw, cbi, google,tata explain on what basis they are falsely claiming that the gujju housewife, who does not have a credit card, has booked an airticket online?

Hotel, cottage, resort owners being duped by google,tata pimps for goan bhandari R&AW employee PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan

Based on article in goa times, corbett park authorities, hotel, resort owners are allegedly duped by the google,tata pimps for goan bhandari R&AW employee PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan, who offers sex services to powerful men, that the goan sex worker , who does not spend any money online and does not do any work online, owns the wesbite cottageretreat as part of the never ending google,tata online, financial fraud on a google competitor, domain investor and bhandari single woman engineer.

The google,tata empployees who are pimps for top goan bhandari R&AW employee PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan 2013 bsc , who is a flat chested version of mallika sherawat marketing sunaina’s SEX services to top government employees , her brahmin sugar daddies ntro employees indore fraud j srinivasan, mhow cheater puneet, relatives like pritesh chodankar, and lovers are allegedly duping a large number of people, companies and countries that panaji’s top goan bhandari sex worker, sunaina chodan, who does not spend any money online, owns the website cottageretreat in another SEX bribe fraud of ntro employees

All these cheater liar ntro employees and others are aware of the fact that the domain is actually owned by the google competitor, a single woman bhandari engineer, however the sundar pichai google is extremely vicious in defaming, cheating and exploiting the google competitor, so they have BRIBED the ntro employees with money and sex to dupe people that the goan prostitute sunaina, indore cheater veena and other fraud raw/cbi employees own the websites, domain names including cottageretreat of the google competitor, to defame her, deny the private citizen, the income and opportunities she deserved

An open question to the goan bhandari leaders, officials, ntro employees why does their favorite lazy greedy top goan bhandari R&AW employee PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan not legally pay for the domain cottageretreat and get it legally transferred to her name with the monthly raw salary she is getting, why is goa’s VVIP bhandari R&AW employee prostitute sunaina chodan, behaving like a section 420 fraud, falsely claiming to own the domain name, website of a private citizen

When goan R&AW employee sunaina has never done any work online, is only interested in offering sex services to government employees on what basis are ntro, google, tata employees duping hotel, resort, cottage owners with their complete lies