Reward offered for ending google, tata masterminded goan sex racket

Single woman bhandari engineer, domain investor who is being subjected to major impersonation, real estate, paypal, financial fraud by slim goan bhandari R&AW employee sex worker sunaina chodan’s lovers, sugar daddies, relatives is offering a reward for details like the names, address, designation, salary of slim goan bhandari R&AW employee sex worker sunaina chodan’s lovers, sugar daddies, relatives who are helping her in this real estate, impersonation, financial fraud

slim goan bhandari R&AW employee sex worker sunaina chodan 2013 bsc from goa university has not studied engineering and has no engineering experience like nayanshree hathwar and other fraud raw/cbi employees, however just because a powerful ntro employee j srinivasan is infatuated with sex worker sunaina chodan, and shamelessly, falsely claimed that the goan sex worker, born after 1990 was his btech 1993 ee classmate, some top fraud goan officials are blindly repeating the lies of brahmin liar ntro employee j srinivasan, duping people with their lies

Medical records will easily and legally prove that goan R&AW employee sex worker sunaina chodan 2013 bsc, was born after 1990 and could not have answered JEE in 1989 to get a btech 1993 ee degree , yet the top goan officials are shameless frauds and liars , blindly repeating the lies of the brahmin fraud ntro employees enjoying the sex services of sunaina, allegedly bribed by google, tata . The officials involved in the fraud are very powerful and the fraud has continued for 8 years now

goan bhandari R&AW employee sex worker sunaina chodan is slim, wears jeans, tshirts, has dyed her hair blonde, drives a blue yamaha fascino aa1430

Please send any details of the lovers, sugar daddies, relatives to

Free help for tourists who have lost their luggage in Goa

Tourists whose luggage is missing or stolen in goa should check google,tata sponsored eigth standard pass cbi employee gujju housewife naina’s house in campal, goa which sometimes has a red maruti brezza L2233 parked outside, and a large tulsi plant, many rose plants on the 1st floor and second floor
Allegedly NTRO employee parmar and his semiliterate premika cbi employee housewife naina involved in theft of luggage from tourists in goa as part of an elaborate identity theft fraud or quick money, Regularly it is observed that her son is coming home with new bags in the red maruti brezza L2233 , a different collection of used bags daily.
If a person has purchased the bags, he or she will use it for some time at least a few weeks , till it tears or there is some other problems . So the person will be spotted with the same bag or bags for a few days at least, However cbi employee naina’s son is spotted with a different set of bags almost daily which are allegedly stolen from tourists in goa

For example on 27 January 2017, naina’s son was spotted with two different bags, which most likely belonged to foreigners. After IFFI in november 2017, naina and her husband came with a lot of items in their green qualis which were probably stolen from the visitors to goa for IFFI, and people were surprised that they suddenly got so many goods including many sets of slippers . cbi employee naina lied that she had gone to kolhapur, when she was not away from home in panaji for more than 12 hours that day

cbi employee naina and her associates are involved in using radiation to cause insomnia to tourists, and when they forget their bag, luggage, these goods are collected and stored in naina’s house for further processing, So a tourist who finds his luggage stolen in goa, should try to check the house of cbi employee gujju housewife naina and he or she may recover their stolen luggage

Sunday times features naina redhu on travel article as tribute the powerful fraud ntro employee parmar premika cbi employee semiliterate housewife naina

One of the greatest frauds in India is the powerful fraud ntro employee parmar who cunningly and shamelessly made up fake travel and cheating stories to defame, cheat and exploit a harmless google competitor, steal her resume, savings, correspondence for his premika cbi employee semiliterate gujju housewife naina, mother of two sons.
Though fraud powerful parmar and his associates had absolutely no legally valid proof against the harmless google competitor, engineer and domain investor, they continued repeating their lies like parrots for more than 7 years since 2010, to defame, cheat and exploit the harmless google competitor, engineer, domain investor and deny her the income and opportunities she deserved.
No one would have the courage to make fake allegations directly against the google competitor, an experienced engineer, the fraud parmar falsely claimed that he was helping when he was doing everything possible to defame, cheat and exploit her. Now that it is clear that semiliterate cbi employee gujju housewife naina, is the real girlfriend of parmar, on 10 december 2017, sunday times featured the photographer naina redhu in a travel article, allegedly as tribute to the fraud powerful parmar who made up fake travel stories, to defame, cheat, exploit and destroy the life of the harmless google competitor.

Train for farmers from Maharashtra ends up in Chambal

In a clear indication of how microchipped officials can create havoc, a train which farmers had hired from the indian railways to take them from Delhi to Kolhapur, ended up in Chambal, Madhya Pradesh. The farmers had come to delhi to attend the farmers agitation in Delhi, and the present day baji rao peshwa(top intelligence/security agency official) of maharashtra may have become upset that the farmers from maharashtra were taking part in the protest.
So instead of bringing them to kolhapur, Maharashtra the train reached Chambal in Bundelkhand , famous for its dacoits and Mastani, the wife of Baji Rao. When the farmers started protesting, the station master refused to give the farmers the green signal, and the farmers were still in Chambal according to the latest media reports
This shows that protesting against anything will immediately destroy the reputation of any person including the farmers.
NTRO and other officials in Delhi, may have sent the footage of the protesting maharashtra farmers to the present day bajirao peshwa of maharashtra, who will now label them a security threat and monitor them closely just like the dacoits in chambal.
More details on how the train landed in Chambal instead of Kolhapur are awaited, most likely the train driver was told to do so.

Goa call girls popular with indian men

Due to its westernized culture and liberal attitute, liberal drinking laws goa has become one of the most popular tourist destinations in India as drinking is prohibited in many states in India. Most of those drinking are male, and in recent years, sex tourism in Goa is also increasing. With the mining sector facing a recession, the government is looking for new sources of revenues, and tourism is a major employer and source of revenue in the state. All services related to the tourism sector, including call girl services are welcome.

Tourists from all over India flock to goa to enjoy themselves as top officials in the government, intelligence and security agencies have a very liberal outlook towards sex tourism , and young women providing sex services to government employees allegedly hold senior intelligence positions in Goa with fake resumes, have great powers . In most places in India, the local community will take action against those providing sex services, however tourists visiting goa can enjoy the services of goa call girls without facing any kind of harassment or censure. The phone number of call girls are sometimes listed in public places, however most men looking for call girls can contact the many websites online providing call girl services.

The call girl website will usually provide a number for the men to contact the call girl directly or indirectly. Call girls from all over the world, including european countries, models, actresses are flocking to goa for offering their services, due to liberal local government attitude and a large number number of customers . Men from all over India, restricted by indian hypocrisy in their home state, have made goa the top tourist destination in India, rushing to goa to enjoy the beaches, alcohol and call girl services.

Delhi pollution caused by R&AW,CBI, NTRO, Indian government policy of identity, resume theft of experienced trained engineers

In 2017, it appears that the Delhi pollution levels have become extremely high, and countries are issuing advisories to their citizens not to visit the city. However no one discusses that many of the problems in India, like the delhi pollution is due to the indian government policy of wasting crores of rupees of indian tax payer money as part of the R&AW, CBI, NTRO policy to keep trained experienced competent engineers idle, steal their identity
To ensured that the engineer cannot communicate with anyone, the indian government has deployed at least 10-15 government employees for more than 7 years to divert and steal the correspondence of the harmless engineer, so that she cannot apply for a job or do any other kind of work as there are no orders.
The short sighted government fails to realize that many of the problems faced in India like pollution, flooding and drought, require an engineering solution, and wasting crores of rupees of indian tax payer money to keep trained and experienced engineers from the top indian colleges, idle is not going to help solve these problems in India
The top leaders and officials in India fail to realize that repeating lies that google, tata supplied sex workers, cheater housewives and frauds are experienced engineers is not going to make them engineers, they will remain sex workers, frauds

Tejas Express illness was allegedly due to air quality , airconditioning

On 15 October 2017, 26 passengers travelling in Tejas Express complained of illness, vomitting and nausea and the media initially claimed that the problem was caused due to food poisoning. However later it was found that food was not the cause of the illness as some of those affected had not eaten the train food. It is more likely that the passengers were feeling ill and vomitted mainly because of the air quality in the train.
One of the main disadvantages of travelling in a airconditioned vehicle or being in an airconditioned space, is that the air quality is fairly poor and there is relatively less fresh air. For example the domain investor who actually owns this website is broke due to the ntro, raw, cbi impersonation fraud, and decided to travel by the Tejas express in July 2017, to review the service offered.
Like the passengers who vomitted in october 2017, the domain investor also experienced a lot of nausea in the train and thought she would throw up. She was also feeling very drowsy. Fortunately there was no one seated next to her. The domain investor usually never feels sleepy during the day. Additionally unlike aircraft where passengers are seated in the direction of travel, in the train half the passengers are seated facing the opposite direction which increases the nausea which they experience.
It is time that a serious check is carried out on the quality of the air in all airconditioned train compartments , especially in Tejas Express as some passengers in the airconditioned compartment in another train were also looted.

Please note that R&AW/CBI employees and their associates like nayanshree hathwar are not associated with the website in any way at all, yet are making fake claims

water bottle of google competitor stolen at dabolim, goa airport

In a clear indication of the high level harassment of a harmless google competitor by ntro, cbi, raw, security agency employees since 2010, the water bottle of the google competitor was stolen at dabolim, goa airport on 11 october 2017 at around 1400 hours . The google competitor had completed the security check, and had collected the backpack which was scanned in the airport xray machine,
She specifically noticed that the nimbooz 7 up water bottle she had packed was in the backpack as it can get misplaced during the xray scan. The water bottle was carried as she was travelling in a private budget airline, which does not offer free water during the flight and she was likely to feel dehydrated.
Then the google competitor was standing in the queue for checking the luggage security check tags, when she heard a sound, When she check the backpack, she noticed that the water bottle was missing . She searched on the floor to find out if it had fallen down, however it was not to be found indicating that someone had intentionally taken the water bottle from the backpack.
When the google competitor reached her house in mumbai, she found the water bottle on the floor of the house, in another case of home intrusions, organized stalking

Now escort services in Goa asking clients for Aadhaar card, catering to tourists

As the police are taking action against sex workers and their pimps in goa, sending decoy customers like google does for deindexing websites, the escort services are devising a new way to ensure that they are not trapped by fake customers according to media reports .

A television channel reported that potential customers of the escort service who phone the number provided on the escort service websites are asked to send a photo of their Aadhar card by Whatsapp or other electronic means to the pimps of the escorts. These pimps are then checking the address on the Aadhaar card and if the address in the aadhaar card is a goa address, they are not sending any girls to the customers as the possibility of a trap will be higher.

If the address on the aadhaar card is non goan then the pimps are sending girls, as they know that mostly non goans are coming to goa for enjoying themselves. The pimps for the escort services, are aware of the fact that the goa police are usually only sending goans as decoy customers, so it is better not to take the risk and get trapped. In goa, the people are usually very insular, and the world outside goa does not largely exist, so they do not send non goans.

Who directed goan picnickers to waterfalls in karwar?

The tragic death of 6 picnickers from goa in nagarmade falls, in chendya village , 8 km from karwar on 17 September 2017 was shocking because the area is little known, and there are many holiday places in goa. Last year or earlier the google, tata sponsored goan gsb fraud R&AW employee diploma holder siddhi mandrekar who is faking a btech 1993 ee degree, resume, investment of a obc bhandari engineer, had posted a photo of herself frolicking in the waterfalls in social media with her boyfriends in karwar

Siddhi had marked the waterfalls /underground caves in the karwar as a hidden treasure as she and others probably had some “setting” with the local intelligence/security agency officials. Usually a person is getting support from their home state, home area. To ensure that the obc bhandari engineer who is originally from karwar did not get any local support from anyone in karwar to fight the identity theft fraud, allegedly the goan gsb fraud R&AW employee siddhi, nayanshree hathwar and her associates may have allegedly had an arrangement with the officials in karwar that they would send their associates to the waterfalls as tourists are usually spending a lot of money on food, travel and other expenses.

In 2017, google, tata sponsored raw employees siddhi, sunaina, nayanshree and others faking a btech 1993 ee degree control a large number of microchipped citizens of india who they can influence and decide their routine, what they speak, holidays using mind control methods. So it would be interesting to find out who exactly directed the 40 picnickers from goa to the waterfalls in karnataka, and 2 picnickers lost their life, 4 are missing according to media reports