Google, tata employees are goa’s top PIMPS who have got R&AW jobs for the goan prostitutes they supply to government employees
Many people on quora would like to know whether prostitution is legal in goa, these people should know that google, tata employees are india’s top PIMPS who specialize in getting R&AW jobs for the goan prostitutes who they supply to government employees, to control their government employees
Like the saudi killers of jamal khashoggi, the tata, google employees are excellent liars, making fake claims to promote and reward the goan prostitutes sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar they are pimps for , as online experts, domain investors to get them great powers, R&AW jobs with monthly salary.
In reality a google competitor is under surveillance, and then the NTRO, google, tata employees falsely claim that the prostitutes they supply are doing the work online, to defame the google competitor., However the google, tata employees like the saudi killers, cannot provide any evidence to support their fake claims , proving they are liars for more than 8 years since 2010.