There has been a massive decline in the number of foreign tourists in goa, and according to a newspaper report, one of the reasons is that the indian embassies are making it difficult for tourists to get a visa
Specifically according to Herald newspaper report, Indian embassies are not giving visa to female tourists below the age of 25
Hence one of the major russian charter operators has stopped flights to goa after january 12, 2019
It is possible that the indian officials automatically link young female tourists to the sex trade, or may be harassed in goa by indian male tourists , so they are not getting visas
There are many countries like Japan and Korea which do not have any mineral resources,yet they are wealthy and the most developed in the world . On the other hand, Goan economy is so dependent on mining, that when mining has stopped, the mining affected are forced to to delhi and protest, which is resulting in the wastage of a lot of the limited money.
These delhi protests are mainly because the goan government , top intelligence and security agency employees have a negative attitude, do not value education, experience and hard work which could help reduce the dependence of the goan economy on mining and tourism . Korea and Japan have become wealthy mainly because the took the effort to educate themselves in the latest technology and worked very hard to develop some of top consumer electronic brands worldwide
On the other hand the extremely dishonest fraud LIAR goan government , top intelligence and security agency employees take great pleasure and pride in defaming without any proof , cheating and exploiting hardworking experienced engineers with a good JEE rank , pampering, worshipping and rewarding google, tata sponsored lazy greedy school dropouts, cheater housewives and call girls, getting them raw/cbi jobs, falsely claiming that they have the impressive resume, savings of the experienced engineer.
The goa government relies on lazy greedy inexperienced google, tata sponsored kolhapur born school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina, who looks like sneha wagh, goan call girl R&AW employees siddhi mandrekar, sunaina chodan, goan gsb fraud riddhi nayak, brahmin cheater nayanshree hathwar , indore document robber veena and other similar frauds with fake resumes for advice. Naturally these lazy mediocre frauds are unable to provide much advice, so the economy depends on tourism and mining, and minining has been stopped. Fewer tourists are visiting due to the cheating culture in goa.
The mainstream media indicated that the number of russian tourists to goa has declined significantly in 2018-2019, about 40% from the previous year. After the repeated identity theft of a harmless hardworking engineer with a good JEE rank in goa by google, tata sponsored frauds , it has become obvious to the russians that CIA has complete control over the security and intelligence agencies in Goa.
In most states of india, no one will commit a banking, paypal, real estate fraud on an experienced engineer,falsely claim to own her bank account and get a raw/cbi job. However in goa, the cia influence on the goan government is so strong that the top intelligence and security agency employees are shameless LIARS AND FRAUDS, falsely claiming that cia stooges like R&AW employees call girl sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, veena, naina, riddhi nayak and other lazy greedy frauds who do not have a btech degree, do not do any work online, are online experts and experienced engineers.
Cia stooge goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl sunaina chodan, who only provided sex services, has never done any work online, never invested any money online, was promoted extensively by the goan government as an online expert, domain investor because she was promoted by cia, to defame, cheat and exploit the engineer, real domain investor, deny her the income and opportunities she deserved. When cia stooge, goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina was given a job as a recruiter in an american company, the cia connection became obvious.
So the russians may have been told to avoid visiting goa since the cia stooges can cause problems, and the number of Russian tourists in goa has reported a decline according to newspaper reports
The high social status of the google, tata sponsored goan sex worker R&AW employees bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar is mainly because tourists from all over india are coming to goa mainly for drinks and sex.
This was confirmed by the politician Wilfred Mesquita who was quoted in Herald newspaper in November 2018, as saying that there is nothing much going on in Goa, except Tourists coming to goa for drinks and sex
While Goa is world famous for having the most liberal alcohol rules in India , the sex rackets in goa, remain hidden. Periodically the newspapers carry news of police raids, however the women who are caught are almost always from outside goa.
So when a politician makes these sex related remarks, it clearly appears that the sex racket news is covered up very well in goa
One of the reasons why Gujaratis have more influence in goa, compared to kannadigas is allegedly linked to alcohol
Prohibition is implemented in Gujarat, so there are many restrictions on drinking alcohol
On the other hand, goa has the most liberal alcohol rules in India, so naturally the Gujaratis are flocking to goa, if they wish to enjoy cheap alcohol
For example on 12 November 2018, the domain investor was observing the vehicles which were parked outside a low cost hotel in panaji, goa
She observed that most of vehicles, like the Chevrolet tavera, which the tourists had used to reach goa had gujarat number plates, GJ
Though Maharashtra is closer to Goa, there were only few vehicles with Maharashtra number plates MH46, MH04
After the Mhadei dispute, the number of tourists from Karnataka has reduced, no vehicle with karnataka number plate was observed on November 12, though there was one vehicle on 10 November 2018
It would interesting to find out exactly how many tourists from Gujarat are visiting goa and their activities in Goa
Many people on quora would like to know whether prostitution is legal in goa, these people should know that google, tata employees are india’s top PIMPS who specialize in getting R&AW jobs for the goan prostitutes who they supply to government employees, to control their government employees
Like the saudi killers of jamal khashoggi, the tata, google employees are excellent liars, making fake claims to promote and reward the goan prostitutes sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar they are pimps for , as online experts, domain investors to get them great powers, R&AW jobs with monthly salary.
In reality a google competitor is under surveillance, and then the NTRO, google, tata employees falsely claim that the prostitutes they supply are doing the work online, to defame the google competitor., However the google, tata employees like the saudi killers, cannot provide any evidence to support their fake claims , proving they are liars for more than 8 years since 2010.
In its report, India Today had said that goa has one of the worst law and order conditions among the smaller states in India.
In the last year, due to political uncertainty the conditions have further worsened in the state, for example the house of the domain investor has been robbed and burgled repeatedly in panaji, goa in 2018.
In addition to having the highest number of government employees per person in India, the goan officials like nayak, caro, mandrekar, naik, pritesh chodankar are extremely greedy, shameless, liars, corrupt and will do anything for money, with no one to question them.
They are ruthless in stealing, robbing money from anyone they find vulnerable, face no social and professional censure for doing so.
These officials do not think that there is anything wrong in cheating and looting people, in fact they think that it is their birthright to do so.
Tourists are often targetted by criminals because they usually do not file a police complaint for smaller crimes, because they are in goa only for a short period of time. However the tourists are likely to share their negative experience in goa with others, discouraging them from visiting the state. The charter tourists also may have had a similar experience in goa last year of being cheated . So the media reported that the number of charter flights to goa has declined in 2018, compared to 2017 as the law and order condition worsens further
Goa is becoming notorious for cheap alcohol and drugs, and it appears that at least some people are growing cannabis plants in their garden, Periodically the media reports that young people have died in goa, after a drug overdose, indicated that goa is popular for drugs
Earlier people were arrested in South Goa for growing cannabis, and in the latest instance of drugs being grown locally, the media reported that Cannabis plants valued at Rs 3.5 lakh were seized from the home of a 20 year old in Porvorim, North Goa, near Panaji
Most of the tourists to goa, stay in the north goa tourist belt, close to Calangute, Baga, Anjuna
With very few opportunities in goa, due to high levels of corruption, gardening is a popular option for people of all ages.
It now appears that Cannabis is becoming increasingly popular, because the newspapers are claiming that only two plants were found, and these plants cost Rs3.5 lakh.
So each plant is costing Rs 1.75 lakh, a fairly large amount for a plant
In goa section 420 fraud LIAR google, tata employees making fake claims are some of the greatest and most DANGEROUS FRAUDS in goa,putting a hardworking single woman engineer under surveillance, to steal her orders, leads, block her payment and dupe people that their sex workers they supply and other well connected lazy greedy cheater housewives like riddhi nayak, gujju school dropout housewife naina, and her sons, goan housewife nisha dsa, who do not spend any time and money online are doing the work online, to defame, cheat and exploit the google competitor, domain investor and engineer
BANK details will legally prove that google, tata employees are the greatest LIARS , CHEATERS and FRAUDSTERS in goa, far worse than the nigerian fraudsters as none of the sex workers, cheater housewives promoted by the section 420 fraud liar google, tata employees have ever made any money online in their life and are least interested in doing so, yet the fraud tata employees are such ruthless liars that the goan government, security and intelligencies in goa and elsewhere blindly believe their complete lies
In a clear indication of the corruption of the indian and state governments all the lazy greedy sex workers, cheater housewives and frauds promoted by the liar cheater tata, google employees have got lucrative positions without doing any work at all, without investing any money online, at the expense of the google competitor, engineer, domain investor who has worked like a slave since 2010, getting nothing and her retirement savings have also been stolen without a legally valid reason
It appears that panaji’s top stalker nisha dsa had gone on a holiday for some time in August , September 2018, so the domain investor did not notice her stalking , however in october 2018, the top panaji stalker nisha dsa is back to stalking the domain investor on behalf of google, tata employees
One of the greatest frauds of the indian and goan government is how the harmless hardworking single woman bhandari engineer with a better 1989 jee rank than google ceo sundar pichai is falsely labelled a security threat without any proof at all, while the corrupt Goan security agencies continue to pamper, reward google, tata sponsored robber, burglar goan bhandari R&AW employee prostitute sunaina chodan for her crime of criminal trespassing, robbery and burglary on the harmless single woman bhandari engineer.
Security agencies are supposed to keep the city safe, yet in panaji goa, the security agencies in goa are so hopelessly corrupt and dishonest, that they are openly pampering and rewarding the goan bhandari R&AW employee prostitute sunaina chodan for her crime of criminal trespassing, robbery and burglary on the harmless single woman bhandari engineer.
In 2013 itself, the goan bhandari R&AW employee prostitute sunaina chodan was openly boasting in panaji, goa, that even if anyone complained about her to the goa police, no action will be taken. She also threatened anyone who was trying to speak to her, that she would file a police complaint for harassment indicating that she has a very powerful lover, sugar daddy, relative in security agencies who is protecting her for all her crimes.
While before 15 February 2018, goan R&AW employee sex worker sunaina chodan, was only involved in criminal trespassing and robbery, after the chief minister of goa, was hospitalized, she and her associates are openly involved in repeated burglaries and robberies of the home of the google competitor, engineer as sunaina and her associates are overconfident that no one will take any action against her,since the home minister is not well.