Enjoying the Complete Tuscany Experience

Italy is a country of rich culture and amazing food, and the best way to have a good time while in Italy is to have a luxury villa rental for Tuscany. I went there with a few friends recently and it was one of the best vacations I’ve ever taken. I was excited to go before getting on the plane, but once I actually arrived in Tuscany, I was head over heels for the place. I was so close to leaving my life behind in America and moving there, but I just couldn’t. Maybe one day when I have more money.

While I did go to a lot of places in Tuscany for sight seeing, I did spend some quality time in the villa. (more…)

CBI, NTRO, indian security agency, government policy of identity theft of engineers from top colleges responsible for rail accidents

After two major rail accidents in the last week, the media reported that the Railway minister had met the prime minister and offered his resignation, taking responsibility for the accidents. However instead of punishing the top railway board officials, the indian government should realize that the CBI, NTRO, indian security agency, indian government policy of identity theft of trained and experienced engineers from top colleges is largely responsible for the increase in railway accidents.

The indian leaders and top officials fail to realize that railways and all automotive systems, involve a lot of sophisticated technology and only very good trained and experienced engineers can anticipate and prevent the accidents from taking place . However indian intelligence, security agencies, CBI, NTRO and the indian government in 2017, do not value trained and experienced engineers from the top indian engineering colleges, have no qualms stealing their resume, investment, correspondence and memory for google, tata sponsored lazy greedy mediocre inexperienced goan sex workers slim goan obc bhandari sunaina, goan gsb fraud siddhi, cheater housewives like indore fraud veena and other fraud R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence employees who never answered JEE and never worked as engineers in their life.

So as long as the indian government does not value trained and experienced engineers, wastes crores of rupees in indian tax payer money annually to deny them any opportunities, and falsely claims semi literate women like cbi employee eighth standard pass gujju housewife naina, mother of two sons , goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak, brahmin housewife nayanshree and other R&AW/CBI employees, who do not know anything about engineering, have the btech 1993 ee degree and resume of a google competitor with a better 1989 jee rank than google ceo sundar pichai, railway accidents will continue to take place.

Any person will agree that CBI employee from panaji, eighth standard pass gujju housewife naina, faking a btech 1993 ee degree (like other 10 google, tata sponsored frauds faking a btech 1993 ee degree) is in no position to give any engineering advice, she is like a quack doctor, only the indian government refuses to take any action against naina , and wastes indian tax payer money, paying her a monthly salary

Exposing the google, tata bus travel, fake cases fraud

Voice to skull technology was used to taunt the domain investor about the google, tata bus travel, fake cases fraud by the cunning NTRO employees who masterminded it . However if the ntro, cbi, google, tata employees had the courage, humanity and honesty to face the domain investor, google competitor with their fake stories of domain fraud while travelling in a bus, the domain investor would easily prove that she has never travelled in a bus for a long distance from 2001 till 2012 when her retirement savings were stolen by google, tata , ntro, cbi employees without a court order or legally valid reason.
Initially the domain investor had enough savings from her job and later she was making enough money to afford air travel, mainly to goa, she never travelled alone by bus till her savings were stolen by cbi, security agency employees.

The domain investor would avoid bus travel because she feels nauseous while travelling by bus. Since 2007, when the domain investor started domain investing, most of the customers and vendors of the google competitor, domain investor are outside india, so why would a single woman travel all over india alone, where would she live, can the google, tata sponsored frauds making fake allegations explain. Can the google, tata sponsored frauds explain in an open debate, when the google competitor lived when the bus journey was over, the exact date when the bus travel took place?
After the radiation torture and surveillance began in 2010, the google competitor is definitely living in different states to avoid the NTRO stalking, human rights abuses,torture however before the stalking began why would she travel all over india, as she does not enjoy travelling alone as it is not very safe.For example in a resort, many women will swim in a pool the google competitor will only sit in a chair near the swimming pool as she is very conservative.

It is time that fraud NTRO employees like puneet, vijay, j srinivasan, parmar and others stop interfering in the life of the google competitor, misusing her name, she can handle any problem like fake bus travel herself .Like the nigerian fraudsters who promise money, only to fleece their victim, NTRO employees are falsely promising to help the google competitor and actually looting all the money,resume, correspondence of the domain investor .

Voice to skull technology was used by the crooked cunning NTRO employees to taunt the google competitor about the bus travel domain fraud masterminded by the section 420 fraud google, tata employees who then got goan prostitutes slim goan obc bhandari slut sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc, goan gsb fraud siddhi mandrekar and other frauds R&AW/CBI jobs falsely claiming that these goan sex workers, fraud R&AW/CBI employees have a paypal account of the google competitor, just because these women offer SEX and money bribes

Till date the section 420 fraud google, tata, ntro, cbi employees have not returned the money stolen from the google competitor without a court order or legally valid reason, and also do not have the courage and honesty to tell the google competitor, the name and address, allegations of those who falsely accused the domain investor , google competitor of cheating them so that she can defend herself against the google, tata sponsored frauds, file a case against them for defamation. In any legal system, the person accused is given an opportunity to defend herself, however the google competitor has not been given the chance to do so, yet has been punished by stealing her resume, investment, memory and correspondence without a court order, or legally valid reason .

Like Vishal Sikka the infosys ceo quit after being slandered for 3 years, the domain investor has been defamed without proof by the fraud google, tata, ntro, cbi employees since 2010, and wastes time and money daily defending herself against the cowardly section 420 fraud google, tata, ntro, cbi employees who do not have the courage and honesty to face her with their lies indicating the widespread rot in the indian internet sector, due to which it is suffering widespread job loss. When no one has the courage, honesty and humanity to defend innovators against defamation without proof, india and the it sector is the loser

Again for the benefit of google, tata, ntro, cbi employees almost all the domains are listed for sale, especially llll.com domains so NTRO employees can purchase them paying the market price of the domain names and get them transferred in their name legally

Fake travel stories, fake cases used to destroy life, finances of google competitor

Google claims that “Dont be evil” is its motto, however in reality people should be aware of the fact that google along with tata has allegedly used the most evil possible methods to destroy the life, finances of a harmless google competitor , bribing a large number of people all over india to file completely fake cases without any proof at all, against the harmless google competitor making up fake travel stories

Allegedly the google, tata sponsored frauds who filed fake cases allegedly claimed that they had met the google competitor in a bus and paid her for domain names, which were not transferred to them, so she was a cheater . In reality the google competitor had never interacted with the google, tata sponsored frauds who filed fake cases against her and could easily prove the same, if the google, tata sponsored frauds had the courage, honesty or humanity to face her
However the shameless brahmin fraud NTRO employee puneet and others falsely claimed to be “HELPING” the google competitor , so these fraud ntro employees considered all the google, tata sponsored frauds to be very honest, did not ask for evidence, and wasted a lot of the hard earned money of the google competitor, without her permission or giving her a chance to defend herself

After google, tata sponsored frauds found that they were getting a lot of quick money without doing any work at all, just for making fake allegations without any proof at all, and without being asked for evidence, naturally more frauds started making fake allegations and more hard earned money of the google competitor was wasted without her permission.

Voice to skull technology was used by the crooked taunt the google competitor about the bus travel domain fraud masterminded by the section 420 fraud google, tata employees who then got goan prostitutes slim goan obc bhandari slut sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc, goan gsb fraud siddhi mandrekar and other frauds R&AW/CBI jobs falsely claiming that these goan sex workers, fraud R&AW/CBI employees have a paypal account just because these women offer SEX and money bribes

Probably only after the google competitor filed a police complaint regarding the theft of her savings by NTRO, CBI employees, did the ntro employees who stole her savings without her permission, stop rewarding all those who defamed her. The NTRO employees are getting a monthly indian government salary, pension, just because google, tata sponsored frauds are making up fake travel stories, why are ntro employees wasting the hard earned money, stealing the resume, memory, correspondence of a single woman engineer, domain investor and google competitor without her permission for frauds like shivalli brahmin R&AW employee cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar.

Till date the section 420 fraud google, tata, ntro, cbi employees have not returned the money stolen from the google competitor and also do not have the courage and honesty to tell the google competitor, the name and address, allegations of those who falsely accused the domain investor , google competitor of cheating them so that she can defend herself against the google, tata sponsored frauds .

Like Vishal Sikka the infosys ceo quit after being slandered for 3 years, the domain investor has been defamed without proof by the fraud google, tata, ntro, cbi employees since 2010, and wastes time and money daily defending herself against the cowardly section 420 fraud google, tata, ntro, cbi employees who do not have the courage and honesty to face her with their lies indicating the widespread rot in the indian internet sector.

Hotel rooms available for rent at low rates

Hotel rooms available for rent all over India at the following locations on double occupancy basis in Sterling Holidays resort, time share all over India.
Minimum 3 days, 2 nights upto 15 days, 14 nights (limited rooms available)
Renting the rooms due to a demise in the family, making it difficult to go on a holiday
Tourist will have to pay Rs 1000 at the resort as guest charges as applicable
Id proof required at the time of check in.
Interested tourists/holidayers can send their best offer for the holiday. Free coffee,tea, drinking water, newspaper, swimming pool, recreational facilities. Scuba diving, fish spa and other activities available at an additional cost.

Western India
Goa – Villagio, Club Estadia, Varca

South India
Karwar (close to Goa)
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Kodai by the lake
Kodai by the valley
Ooty Elk Hill
Ooty Fern Hill

East India

Northern India

Please send your offers or request for information to info@textads.in and nkinf@hotmail.com .. Complete arrangement for holiday in Goa can be made including airport drop and pickup.

Kalinga Utkal express train derailment reported at Khatauli

In an indication of the risk involved in train travel. the media reported that on 19 August 2017, 6 coaches of the Kalinga Utkal express train derailed at Khatauli in Muzaffarnagar district of Uttar Pradesh at around 6 pm
Rescue operations are taking place, and the exact number of casualties is not available till date.
Some time ago it was reported that train travel to the North Eastern India was blocked for a few days till August 16, 2017, indicating that there are many limitations in the railway network in India.

Passengers of August Kranti Rajdhani from Mumbai to Delhi looted

The media reported that approximately 25 passengers of the airconditioned compartments of the August Kranti Rajdhani train from Mumbai to Delhi were looted in the train in the early hours Wednesday morning, 16 August 2017 of an amount which could range from Rs 10-15 lakh when it was passing through Madhya Pradesh, indicating that it remains a lawless state. The passengers were looted when they were fast asleep between 1 am and 5 am in the morning, and they found that all their wallets, and purses were emptied and thrown into the dustbin
The theft was discovered when the train reached Kota in rajasthan and though the railway police asked the passengers to file a complaint immediately, many of the passengers were not willing to interrupt their journey and said that they would file a complaint after the train reached Hazrat Nizammudin in New Delhi. It is very surprising that no passenger woke up when the theft was taking place and the media reported that the food of the passengers may have been spiked.
However as a person who travelled by an airconditioned train and was feeling sleepy, nauseous, it is also possible that the airconditioning may be tampered to including some sleeping gas so that passengers were very sleepy, or sleep waves may be generated to make the passengers sleepy as NTRO has the relevant technology . It would be interesting to know if the case is solved.
This robbery again indicated the problems of overnight train travel, though time may be saved, there is a risk of dacoity.

Owners of curlies shack , Nyex club held after drugs were found

According to goan newspaper reports, the owners and staff of curlies beach shack, Edward Nunes and promoter of Nyex club Rohan Shetty and their staff was arrested by the goa police after some drugs were seized . Earlier curlies beach shack had become famous worldwide after the british teenager Scarlett Keeling was found dead in Anjuna in 2008, as she allegedly frequented the restaurant.

While the owner of Curlies beach shack was later released on bail as the amount of drugs found was comparatively less, the media reported that the promoter of Nyex club Rohan Shetty was originally from Mumbai, was initially denied bail as a larger amount of drugs was found in the possession of those at Nyex club

Allegedly the waiters at the club are involved in peddling drugs to visitors to the clubs and beach shacks and it has made goa notorious all over india, as a place where people can get away with anything including drugs, drinking and paid sex according to media reports especially since the sunrise state of goa has decided to make google, tata sponsored slim goan obc bhandari R&AW employee PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc the role model, falsely claiming that the goan er is an online expert, domain investor to pamper her, give her a monthly R&AW salary for sex services.

Nyex club had a large number of visitors

Though the police refused to give bail to Nyex club promoter Rohan Shetty according to media reports, it appears that the nightclub has a large number of visitors from all over india. The lawyer for Rohan Shetty, swapnil asnodkar, trying to get bail argued that the night club had a large number of visitors, around 400-450 that night, and the club management and promoter could not monitor all those who were in the club and was not responsible for their activities.
However the police argued that the Nyex club owner was responsible for allowing people to sell drugs at his premises, especially the waiters at the club, and he was denied bail.
This clearly indicates that Nyex Club was doing a lot of business, on an average each visitor would be spending Rs 2000-3000 a person on drinks, food, entry fee, so on a single night, Nyex Club would be making more than Rs 1 lakh especially on holiday weekends. However in an indication of misplaced priorities, no one monitors the nightclubs where drugs are sold, only harmless single women domain investors are monitored closely for more than 7 years.
One of the reasons why Rohan shetty, a resident of borivali east, mumbai did not get bail unlike the Curlies beach shack owner, Edwin Nunes, was that Rohan Shetty was not a local, and did not have the local network which people residing in goa for decades have.

Goa flooded with tourists during independence day weekend

Due to rampant crony capitalism in India, mainly employees of large companies are making a lot of money as salaries as large corporates like google, tata, ruthlessly exploit small business owners in India, making them slaves, forcing them to work for free, allegedly stealing their memory, savings, resume and correspondence without a court order or legally valid reason. As a result, small business owners, who have flexible timings and no holidays have very less money, especially in the IT and internet sector, as the indian government has made them slaves, working for free to increase the profit of google, tata and other well connected companies.
On the other hand, salaried individuals who have fixed holidays like independence day have plenty of money and can afford to visit goa for expensive holidays to get away from their daily routine.
In 2017, like previous years, goa was flooded with tourists on 14, 15 August as the employees took casual leave on Monday 14 August 2017, to get a long holiday weekend holiday from August 12 to 15 2017. In addition to tickets to goa, each trip must have cost at least Rs 15000 per person, indicating that most salaried persons are well paid while indian paypal account holders,female domain investors are forced to work for free by the corrupt ntro employees who steal their correspondence, memory, savings and resume for their relatives and friends